
Tuesday, January 25, 2011


On the corner I stood, waiting for Dr. Feelgood
Time stood still, as I watched him Walk This Way
In silence we spoke since we were Breaking the Law
His product Welcomed me to straight to the Jungle
Little did I know he began my Countdown to Extinction
Still I wanted to Rock N Roll All Night.

Party in my mind as we Rock N Rolled All Night
Oh, how I praised you, Dr. Feelgood
No longer did I think of my Countdown to Extinction
I approached the demons and Walked their Way
They accepted me and Welcomed me to their Jungle
Sweet desire of Breaking the Law.

Corruption and anarchy as I was Breaking the Law
It felt too good to Rock N Roll All Night
Peace I found when I was Welcomed to the Jungle
Bless Thee Dr. Feelgood
A shadow appeared and Walked This Way
He started the clock on my Countdown to Extinction.

Time sped up on my Countdown to Extinction
I needed help, no more Breaking the Law
Someone had to help me escape this awful Jungle
My brain felt like it got hit by a Rock and Rolled All Night
Curse you Dr. Feelgood
I wish I never watched you Walk This Way.

They would not let me leave, I was trapped in this Jungle
The time ticked away on my Countdown to Extinction
It was not my fault, blame Dr. Feelgood
He was the one who really Broke the Law
All I wanted was too Rock N Roll All Night
I should have ran away when I saw him Walk This Way.

I could not leave when I watched him Walk This Way
Welcoming me to a party in the Jungle
A promise of fun, to Rock N Roll All Night
Never mentioning a time bomb known as a Countdown to Extinction
I thought it was safe and not Breaking The Law
You’re a deceitful no good liar Dr. Feelgood.

A new Way I found to initiate my Extinction
The Jungle of rush to escape the Law
A new Night begins and I long to Feelgood.


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